Thursday, January 24, 2008


I posted this back in 2003, when I was a member of AOHell.

I no longer use AOHell, but I posted this on the AOHell news message board, in response to another person's stupid Republican-embellishing post, under my old screen name of AptOpinion (I am editing this a little bit for propergrammar):

"Apt Opinion AOL Posting About Republican Communism
#7894) by Ronald Kinum on February 4, 2003 at 1:45 AM

++Date: 2/2/2003 7:45 AM Pacific Standard Time
++From: Apt Opinion
++Date: 2/1/2003 9:48 PM Pacific Standard Time
++From: Rick0109 Message-id: ## ##
++The Dumbocrats seem to be blaming our President for
++EVERYTHING bad, including the weather. Why is this so?

Why? After all the crap Republican Communists have posted in AOL political boards, you ask why? Are you blind????

It is interesting how the religiously-brainwashed /politically indoctrinated Republican communists berate Democrats, but isn't it also interesting how Republicommunists never look at how bad their history and their own incumbents are?

Isn't it even more interesting how, if you re-write parts in the history of the French Revolution, it parallels very closely to the past and present Republican administrations' history in our USA?

Please read this parallel current history:

Legal divisions among social groups in our USA, groups that had co-existed for hundreds of years, between the Federalists and the troublesome constitutional Democrats, created much discontent in the Republican faction.

According to law, US society consisted of three groups, each called political parties. Members of the minority Republicans used dishonest ruses similar to magic, and gradually came to make it upward in the political process, to become the the top first party by late 1979, and Democrats as the second, and the rest of the people as the various upstart independent third parties of malcontents.

The peasants formed the largest group, and supported what is now the second party, or, Democrats. A lot of them were members of unions and educational professionals, and who could trust them?

But after the War on Trade Unions was won by King Ronald Raygunz in the 1980s. In the short time by the 1990s, those ungrateful peasants earned so little after corporate downsizing and computer automation, and later relocating businesses to offshore impoverished nations, that most of the big US businesses went overseas. And by creating NAFTA, those peasants could barely afford to send their children to colleges and universities, where the nation educates its political, government and business leaders.

That situation was planned in a first party conspiracy, wherein almost all of the Republican states' governors had cut their state's higher education funding during the early to mid-1990s. The California Republican governorthen scoffed, "The peasants are starving for education andequal opportunity? Well, let them eat trade school cake! They don't need college degrees to be computer telemarketers!"

But the first party also included the professional people of the big cities, and a large and prosperous upper middle class made up chiefly of merchants, lawyers, and government employees, who also sent their children to state colleges and universities. And since they begrudgingly were also part of the upper-class first party, the first party designed a way to keep them brainwashed and ignorant, by exploiting theistic and political indoctrination, by separating them from the peasants in public schools with education vouchers and magnet schools, thus keeping them out of most elitist private schools too.

The second and third parties individually resented certain advantages of the elite members of the first party, where upper-class students got steak and lobster for lunch, and the third party resented certain emotional popularity advantages for the two other parties, chiefly, there were more liberals than anti-conservative conservatives, who watched Johnny Carson show and Sixty Minutes. The Republican nobles did not have to pay as many taxes, as they hid their income behind huge trusts and by hedging money into corporations, and used the privacy-invading Internal Revenuedis-Service's establishment-prejudice to conceal those upper-class profits through special investment and corporate tax deductions and subsidies, that the rich somehow profited from. But this also was not obvious to the peasants, due to the overly complexly invasive burden of their own tax system, under which they struggled. If you think that is a run-on sentence, just read the tax code!

The second and third parties, especially the second one with the peasants, had to provide almost all the country's tax revenue that the first party's "Trickle Down On You Economics" passed to them through annually doubled store prices. That is because the businesses always pass down their tax bill to the public, by raising retail prices. So the public was actually paying the business' taxes by buying products!

And yet, the commoners in the second and third parties were accused by the first party of being given huge privileges and tax deductions for having too many babies, and by permitting unfair tax deductions rather than to pay their fair share of 100% taxation like they did in England, which tax regulations, of course, were scams that were written to be aimed to make the common people betray their private financial matters on tax forms to the huge government spy agency called the Treasury Department Internal Revenue dis-Service. Information from these tax forms, which were clandestinely made available to the huge corporations as demographic research data, served the intended purpose.

This spy system worked, all because of the poor people's greed for deductions, which was the chief government means of owning and controlling the common people, second only to the military draft.

However, many members of the middle class, who thought they were also associated with the priviliged class for their also being anti-conservative conservatives, were also troubled by the discrimination upon their subordinate social status. The middle class was among the most important people in US society, but were not recognized as such because, although most of them belonged to the first party, the real upper-class and corporate conpirators in the Republican mafia machine were prejudiced against the danger of including those insubordinate, Democracy-lovingYuppie upstarts.

For that reason, the corporation upper class and social elites conspired to infiltrate all of the major theist organizations in our USA, and through monatary tithing influence, began a program aimed at brainwashing theistic followers, and prostituting their clergy leaders into believing that their theism supported the first party above all others, and that the only way "to be right with god" was to be a staunch Republican. "Be hateful and be vile about those damn liberal Democrap constitution-lovers, and you don't have to be honest about it in god's eyes, not if you are loyal believers of The Republican Truth! So as we discriminate against them, even the peasants won't want to be liberals any more! We'll blacklist the liberals from decently-paying jobs and make them be so sorry they're Dumb-o-crap liberals!"

The first party was amazed that theistic people could be brainwashed so easily, and that no one had noticed that the Republican mafia had violated the Separation of Church and State to gain followers! And so, the Republican Party was happily confident that no one would get wise enough to see the commercial causes of this conspiracy, so as to instigate honest people to demand the needed idea of a true Separation of Business and State, a horrible idea that would protect the US Constitution from commercial subversion by international corporations.

During much of the 1900's, anti-war protesters had called on educated philosophers from the American and European continents, to write and speak enlightenment to the common peasants, about how their government had callously ruled over the public in totally unConstitutional, anti-Democracy fashion, to support colonization of the world by international corporations, and to use nations to conduct wars by absurdly-oriented commercial politics, but the philosophers raised new contrary ideas about "genuine" freedom, rather than emotionally pretended freedom. Some of these thinkers, including some members of the Democrats, suggested very subversively that the right to govern came from the people!

The Republican political mafia dons reacted in their smoke-filled rooms with angst over the idea of a grass-roots public actually demanding genuine Democracy, that the political system would have to obey Democracy, and they called the Democrats "communists", even though in recorded history, the first organized god-believing theisms had invented the first form of social communism probably 6,000 years ago, and after that, the captains of British commerce re-invented that tyranny into commercial communism in the 1600s, after the British King invented the corporation as a means to control capitalists, who were making way "too much" wealth and gaining way too much world-wide power through trans-oceanic trade.

The ignorant King's plan backfired, and the corporate structure just made the captains of capitalism smarter and greatly more rich, and even immensely more powerful over entire monarchy realms around the world, which is why corporate tyrannical power replaced the monarchies' royal tyrannies, and they continued to expand corporate economic infiltration to end all of the monarchies in Europe, Asia, and Africa, and that resulted in only a handful of true monarchies to survive and remain world-wide in the markets of the Middle East and tiny parts of Asia by the turn ofthe 21st century.

But a 20th Century financial crisis had developed. Huge costs were added to the national debt by our USA's Republican Party, as the cost of over-throwing Iran, Guatemala, Haiti, Columbia (having stolen Columbia'sPanama Province in 1903 to make the Panama Canal).

Furthermore, it was because the USA empire later had gone deeply into debt with two consecutive World Wars, only to end up between those wars buying all the world's gold, so that other nations only had US dollars to trade with.

Beause world economics ended up with nobody buying anything except products from our USA, with the dollars they had, trade went only one way and the other nations' industries quickly went bankrupt, and that caused the world-wide Great Depression. And this depression then caused the second world war, after which, the American USA empire then was forced into financing the cold war (1946 to 1991), fighting for the second time since World War II both in the US colonies of Korea (1950 to 1954) and Viet Nam (1964- 1974).

And also immeidately after World War 2, due to the immoral and costly conspiracy of their mutually supporting the extra-illegal territory created by England and our USA, between 1946 and 1948, and after in 1948, Isreal was promoted and recognized internationally as the "Real" nation in the middle east, under the name "Is - Real".

As if those expenses were not enough cost, and loss of lives were not too great to the empire of our USA, the cost of the Desert Storm war, to "save" Kuwait - and even possibly Saudi Arabia - from the first party-armed Iraqis, the latter King-leader of which who had been heavily armed with biological weapons of mass distruction by King Reagan, another issue now pressed for attention.

By 1992, the US government was almost bankrupt, making the rich very happy because, with their immense wealth, they could buy huge amounts of tax-exempt treasury notes to finance and thus further extend that national debt into perpetuity. And the newly Republican-infiltrated Congress in Washington, DC insisted that King Bush 1st could borrow more money by selling even more tax-exempt US government debt bonds and notes to the rich, use the Social Security fund to pay for some of the more immediate debts of the wars, and to raise taxes to hide that nearing bankruptcy of the treasury. Then, the Republicans promoted the common people to place their pension funds in the lucrative (for brokers) wildly fluctuating stock market, to bolster sagging stock prices that are depended heavily upon by institutional investors.

What an all-encompassing remedy; but since people were very reluctant to gamble their retirement pension funds in the stock market, a nation-wide clandestine government approval of state lottery gambling, in most of the populous states, was enacted to "teach" the public about the also-lucrative" chances" they have to become "rich like us", by giving much of their grocery money and savings over to state-run gambling schemes!

Knowing gamblers in the state lottos rarely have more than a planned one-chance-in-one-and-a-half million of receiving a payoff, a default that the Establishment propagandistically called "winning", all to discourage the people's mentality and better judgement.

Then the Republican mafia party also promoted the ideas of countering the Democratic party's "spend-spend-spend"mentality by emplacing a new Republican policy of cutting taxes and increasing government spending, to make a smaller, weaker, more ineffective government that would become powerless to counter the huge international corporate abuses of the nation's laws, and that was intended to enable commercial avoidance of the free market and take away anti-trust regulations, all as the Republicans called the Democratic party "traitors to America" for protesting these relaxed and ineffective laws.

They said that, not realizing that America is a vertical hemisphere that is almost 300 years older than our USA, and that other American nations may not think like the US Republican mafia cult.

But the Democrats retaliated bravely only one time, by saying this preposterous "Reaganomics" strategy could only be adopted by calling a meeting of the Parties-General, a body much like a foreign country that was known as the US Congress.

This body, after World War 2, was originally made up of nearly equal numbers of representatives from the first two of the three parties. Unwillingly, the Boy King named George 2d announced the meeting, but his puppetmasters figured enough people in the USA had been brainwashed to Republicanism, so that it did not matter if Congress met or not.

The Parties-General opened in the Congressional building in Washington DC, near the White House. Most members of the first two parties said they wanted the members of the third parties to take a hike for a while, maybe forever, while the other two first and second parties took up matters in a series of continuing, heated conflicting arguments. This continued, until the second party felt humiliated and just gave up, and the second party began agreeing with everything the first party said.

But the Democrats in the second party wanted to vote on items separately, issue-by-issue, and bill-by-bill, without presidential veto, using the bi-party system they had created long ago to keep out any emerging third parties.

Though the second party had more followers and members than the first and third parties combined, most Democrats will sign petitions and picket, but they don't vote very often, unless they are given free McDonalds gift certificates for doing so. Whereas, the fascistly indoctrinated Republicans are brainwashed to vote Republican for god and to brag about it, and so they do vote as often as possible, often chanting "Soma....soma.... soma..." right out of their Brave New World party handbook.

Then the first party wanted the second party to give up and disband itself "for the good of the Republican Party", and it insisted that all the other parties be merged into one national assembly called The Auxilliary Of The Royal Republican Party, and that each representative have one vote by party line regardless of what the public wants.

The second party, however, wanted the Parties-General to follow something nebulous that was only partially represented in school text books. It was called a US Constitution, whatever that was, allegedly it once used to be an important national legal document that few common people understood, and that parents rarely taught to their children as being the second most important document in the nation, the first being the anti-tyranny Declaration of Independence, both of which are subversive to theRepublican idealism of representative undemocratic government.

But then, the US Constitution fills sixty-six volumes and has many sections to each Article, so it is too much for parents to teach their children about what the Constitution means, when they don't even know themselves! Besides, the US Constitution can only be found in its total form in law libraries, not in any public libraries. Too much botherf or the public to go way over there to a law library, to look at their actual Constitution!

The king and the first two parties refused the demands of the third parties, calling for those third parties to be recognized as valid conduits of public opinion. In previous recent elections, several prominent representatives of the third parties lost major national elections, but the third parties, surprisingly, had made an impressive showing in the polls, even though their votec ounts did not match the exit polls, after which they declared themselves in protest to be the National Spokespersons of the USA's unrepresented and ignored general population.

The third parties thus gathered in a bathroom in a bar near the Supreme Court building, and they pledged not to disband, that they would continue as political parties until they had candidates who had been elected to the US Presidency, and had enough members elected into Congress to re-write the Constitution to require Democracy in all phases of government. This vow became known as the Oath of the Bathroom.

Seeing the insignificant public support for the third parties, King Bush then allowed the three parties to debate together on television. But he also then began to gather police to break up the debate, to preserve law and order in the national election system.

In September 2001, the USA found itself being punished for the commercial public decrees by King Bush II, King Bush I, King Ronald Raygunz, King Nixon, and Comrade Generalissimo Eisenhower, in addition to all of the other tyrants going back to McKinley and Teddy Roosevelt.

The major decree of contention was made immediately upon King Bush 2's innauguration, wherein he stated to the nation and to the world that the USA would no longer take an interest in the peace process of the Middle East, a move that was designed to allow Isreal to inhumanely attack any Palestinian they chose in their overt annexation of all the remaining Palestinian territory inside of Isreal, such as the West Bank, Jeruselem, Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt... then King Bush II quickly unilaterally enacted, and the Republican mafia cult in Congress unanimously approved, the Decrees of War Against Terrorism and the Declaration of the Suspension Of The Rights of Man And Of The Citizen Under God.

The decrees abolished some useless feudal "privileges" for the public in the USA, that the peasants had become so influenced by, such as those that were Constitutionally endowed with "rights" that the government had to obey, and those were problems that terribly had bothered the first party's overlords, because it had enabled populist government spies to sneak into business affairs. The solution was to then increase the tax advantages of the clergy and nobles, and gave regional privileges to all the state governments to abuse foreign peoples' rights. The declaration was also very generous to the people, as it guaranteed the same basic rights to all citizens, including "suspended liberty, blindly disregarded propriety under the law, and a very falsely-claimed security from world terror by the first two provisions, and resistance to aggression from other peoples who have been caused distress by the US's and the US corporations' arrogant invasion and mistreatment of those people.

This was applied to major cities in the USA as well, justas they had imposed that same security to those in the prejudiciously so-called "third world", as well as installing a representative government wherein thegovernment and courts represent themselves in a new "world order democratic republican monarchy", one wherein the public must obey for the common patriotic good of the leadership.

The largely Republican Congress had often drafted many congressional laws with hidden bills tacked onto the bottom of innocent-looking legislation, and King Bush II was pleased that his first party did the same during his reign, thinking to fool liberal legislative constitutionalists by a slick-Georgie move that made the USA a limited Republican monarchy with a virtual one-party legislature.

Wherein the USA was divided into 50 regions called states, each with elected state congresses for local government, the state governments were increasingly becoming one-party governments. But the right to vote and hold public offices in the local, state and federal government offices were limited to natizens and citizens who earned a certain substantial income, and who paid a certain lower amount of taxes. The first party was thus assured of a "pure" congress in the very near term, for nobody else could afford to become an elected political prostitute.

The first party also reformed the Supreme Court by implanting nonpartisan Republican loyalist judges, and by rewriting the US Constitution into 66 volumes of much looser but very confusing, voluminous interpretations, and by requiring the US Supreme Court College presidential election of 2001 to be free of any and all Constitutional mental rationality, saying that the court can too decide the vote count without being scientific and honest about it, because after all, didn't the Super Bowl administration get away with sending the Denver Broncos to the Super Bowl twice with impunity, when the Broncos couldn't beat the same teams the first time earlier in the season? And what better state than Florida, the state ruled by Prince Bush, the King's smarter brother and son to King Bush 1, to stage a phony ballot conflict using deliberately faulty ballots to discredit the most verifiable voting system in the world?

They won't have such problems of hiding the rigged elections when they bring on Electronic voting, wherein nobody can prove what is or is not the real vote tally, and they added cheerfully, as they waved the flag, "It's the count that counts, not whether it's genuine or not! Don't you BELIEVE? Trust in the lord, we know the votes will be true, you don't have to have them verified! Just mind your own business and believe in the system!"

And so, the people "believed", no longer able to mentally recognize the difference between "belief" and knowledge, and the King of the Republic saw that it was good and said that it was good. And so, verily it was good.

By Spring 2003, the National Congress of Republicans believed that the revolution to eliminate the Democrats was over. They cheerfully disbanded the Democrat's forum in Congress at the end of January, saying Democrats are just a bunch of commie loud mouths who don't believe that god ordained the Republican mafia and the party that they, the Democrats too, also should blindly follow, and they said that the Democrats should stop bringing up that outdated Constitution that they keep yelling about with regard to people's representation.

And the patriotic Republican priests gave encouragement to the "believers" to make ready for the newly declared War On Terror, so that their King "Boy George" Warmonger Bush II, a.k.a. "Howdy Doody" and "Dumb--ya", could secure a place in the history books as a wartime president, bringing fame for himself and glory for his family, like his daddy had done, and defaming only his country in the process, completing his ordained mission before it would be too late for him to do so.

By making our USA go back to illegally attack Iraq a second time, for the purpose of blasting that nation into heeding their compliance to Ceasar with extorted UN resolutions written by King Bush's ambassadors, which decrees concealed the real purpose of gaining immortal fame for King Bush II in a two-decade-long military training exercise that was a test for new advanced weapons, even though the UN has not formally given final "new world order" approval for an attack, because the UN said before the attack that it was illegal to attack a non-waring nation: But that damn UN, such a bother to deal with those kinds of legal details, it only holds our USA back from King Bush II's destiny with history! And at a time when King Bush has the whole world that he has to run!

Amnisty International Darfur Benefit Concert

Tonight I attended the Human Rights Benefit Concert held by Amnisty International and "Darfur Fast" which is a part of Genocide Intervention Network. It was held from 6 PM to 11 PM at Old Brick Community Center, 26 East Market Street at the corner of Market and Clinton Streets, Iowa City, Iowa.

I went there dressed entirely in Green (except for my gloves, socks and boots), wearing my straw stetson painted green with my Green Party, Code Pink and Sierra Club buttons, and I wore my orange ACLU armband that proclaims we need to shut Guantanamo down. I paid the suggested donation of $5, on my limited poverty budget, and although I already ate dinner, I could not pass up the donated food that came later.

The money collected at the door (well, collected casually at a table just inside the main hall upstairs) went to Amnesty International's Denounce Torture Campaign adn to "Darfur Fast", which is a program run by Genocide Intervention Network.

Set up at the tables around the room were:
University of Iowa Anti-war Committee-CAN (I did not ask what "CAN" means)
Iowa United Nations Association (this group was not listed in the U of I Student organization
directory, but I know they are active on campus!)
Peace Iowa
Invisible Children - Iowa City
Persian Student Organization
Amnesty International
American Friends Service Committee

Due to the loud talking going on in the room, and the echo in the room from the amplified speakers, it was very hard for me to hear what was being said in the opening remarks at 6:30 PM, so I did not copy anything that was said. Sadly, the Old Brick Community Center was not designed for modern amplified sound.

Then the Sudanese band began playing some really great music and singing. Of course, I have always enjoyed African music, having listened to it every weekend when I lived in Las Vegas Nevada for three years (two hours every Saturday morning on KUNV-FM, right after the Hawaiian music program! I was SPOILED with music in Las Vegas, and in Saint Louis !!!
I noted: "I don't go to events to have a good time, but I really enjoyed the entertainment!")

At about 7PM, the donated food arrived. A wide variety of free pizzas donated by Pappa Johns, Dominos, Pizza Hut, Pizza Lovers, The Wedge Pizza, and The Pizza Ranch came in, and I mean dozens of boxes and boxes of pizzas arrived! Purified water in gallon jugs were provided by Crystal Clear. And bags of large, round, frozen chocolate-coated vanila bars on sticks were provided by Dairy Queen. I will not say which pizza was the one I liked the best, but I had two slices of it, and the other two different pizza slices were very good too! Boxes and boxes of pizza, oh my! More than enough for one whole pizza for each person there!

At 7:15 PM a group of ten guys sang a-capella African songs in GREAT harmony and rhythm, making their vocal accustic percussion. These a-capella guys sounded great in this building, and they stood back from the up-raised mics.

At 7:30 PM we had our first presented speech, I think it was by the leader of the band. I could not hear very well again, due to all of the talking, but I caught a few phrases about why this event was being held and what was happening in Darfur and Sudan:
"... under the watch of the international community..." I could only think to myself how it is so amazing that people from Sudan who witnessed the genocide there are here in Iowa City, right in Old Brick, as he continued speaking through the crowd's voices which eventually died down to a respectful quiet as everyone stood near the stage, but it was still hard to hear over all of the talking and the echo of the sound system blurring his words:
"The United Nations two years ago explored the idea of helping...." "Now the UN again is underequipped..." "...we have to do something..." "Some people do not like the word genocide, it is just a word -- what is happening on the ground is what is happening: people are being killed, women are being raped, villages are being burned..." More audience talking!

At 7:45 PM another speaker took to the stage, a very tall Sudanese man. I presume he was billed as "Abdalla Abdalla", a former journalist from Sudan. He mentioned a "CPA" several times, but I could not hear what it was. He mentioned what I think was CPA, or his group, or something: "... what we did was started communicating with people -- if not for the organizations the genocide would not have stopped." "This thing is very complicated..." "...Unfortunately, the peace agreement was only signed between the north and the south..." "...and it left a lot of people out of the agreement..." "...But other parts were forgotten, like the east and the west. Now people are fighting to get their fair share because everything was divided between north and south..." "The Chinese government came in and set up their embassy there..." "...for the oil..." "The Chinese government did not do its part to play its role in peace negotiations..." "... (some organization I think) understands the importance of killng innocent people, understand the importance of genocide, understand the importance of unity..."

The program went back to more music, so at 8 PM I left the benefit, as I think I got about all of the productive notes I could. I lost track of where the speakers went to, they may have gone back in the Community Center kitchen or something, but the sound system people were set up there so I just put my coat on and left the venue.

Overall, there were a lot of people there, but not as many as could be. There is an old bit of advice I have used several times: the impartial reporter only goes as if he or she was never there at all, and only reports what he or she sees and hears without interfering, to be only as a historic witness. I see John Deeth doing that all the time. I admire the wisdom in that advice. So my end analysis is, pretending I was not there but just witnessing it never-the-less, it is truly amazing that even this many people showed to this event, right in little Iowa City! The attendees were what made this worthwhile for the bands and speakers, and I am proud to be an Iowan and a Iowa Citian because of that. As one of the speakers said, we all could have simply stayed at home in this blustery cold night, rather than coming to attend this event! But, they did not do that, they came anyway!

Libris Fidelis

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

White Male Democratic Party Candidate And The Election

I am posting this, because Yahoo.incorporated will probably say I
violated community standards and remove my statement again.
But I am posting this now in anticipation that my message will be
forever lost. I posted this in Yahoogroups Questions feature today:

anthony s
Member since: January 14, 2008
Total points: 107 (Level 1)
Open Question
What about john edwards?

Can a white male still win the white house? in the age of the "MTV" generation people have become brain dead when it comes to who they are voting for President. i have noticed latley that most of my peers are either voting for obama or clinton, not because they know how each of the candidates stand on certain isues. its on the simple fact that these two candidates received the most TV time. it is sickning to me that John Edwards will not become the democat nominee just because he's not black or a woman. people need to stop and realy look at who they are voting for President, beacuse if they dont America will be lead onto the wrong path. we need a President who can help change america for the better, not one that just looks good on TV. Please let me know what you think.Edwards for President 2008

Answers (5):

by toetagme
Member since: June 16, 2007
Total points: 5373 (Level 5)
Contributing In: Law & Ethics

I am voting for Edwards. He wants to bring our troops home, wants corporations to pay their fair share of taxes and has a lot more great ideas. He is highly intelligently, very educated and knowledgeable. Talk about looking good on TV, that man is beautiful. Saw him on Letterman last night and he is very charming, funny and quick witted.

by Bob S
Member since: August 08, 2007
Total points: 1168 (Level 3)

well my wife was going to vote for him because of his nice hair until letterman messed it up for him.

by richard t
Member since: April 05, 2007
Total points: 17007 (Level 6)
I like Edwards,he answers questions........will find out after supertuesday if he is a player......................

by pOrkrOd
Member since: December 09, 2006
Total points: 3779 (Level 4)

John Edwards will be Vice President of the USA
President Clinton will assign a special prosecutor who will bring charges of treason against Dick Cheney
Cheney will flee to Israel
US troops will begin withdrawal from Iraq
Middle class America will begin to dig out of the economic trench that the Bush administration has buried us in
A special prosecutor will begin an investigation of corporate executives who profited illegally from the graft of the Bush administration
You and I will smile again along with millions of other Americans

by Libris FIdelis
Member since: January 07, 2008
Total points: 124 (Level 1)

I do not know how insightful, lucky, or just plain off-the-mark you are in asking your question. Our United States of America is the land of intense propaganda, which the European news media has so aptly pointed out. So most people in our USA are accepting the entertainment story-telling style and campaign advertising propaganda that is presented to our country by both leading parties as news, and our natizens are waving their flags and whooping it up for their "favorate" "candidate". Even National Propaganda Radio (NPR) has gone overboard in blatantly cheerleading the Republican candidates in the caucuses and primaries, while simply ho-hum reporting the Democratic Party candidates and pointing to the "flaws" the broadcasters see in Democratic Party candidates, while utterly ignoring the blatant evil history of the anti-Democracy Republican mafia cult going back to their lobbiest party's beginning.

Before I answer your question, let me first present a background explanation of what is going on.

John Edwards is just like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. During the beginning and middle of last year, Edwards talked differently than he does now, just like Hillary and Barack did, except, Barack is a consumate liar, which is recorded in the newspaper archives, always twisting and turning and contradicting in the same way as George W. Bush and staff.

The three of the surviving Democratic candidates have made statements that have been favorable to the Republican mafia cult platform, right up until the Iowa Caucus, although Edwards has more directly assailed the corporate power and wealth conspiracy to own and control our nation exclusive of Democracy (always spelled respectfully with a capital "D"). The other two Democratic candidates are "just" being opposed. But do not be fooled by Edwards, pay attention to what he mis-stated (or rather confessed to promoting) during the beginning and middle of last year when campaigning began. You will then see his whimpy stand.

The only three Democratic Party candidates who talked like genuine liberal Democrats were Kucinich, Biden and Dodd, but all of them are no longer in the running as presidential contenders, because Dumb-o-crats are too Republican mafia cult - brainwashed or oriented mentally these days.

Anyone who would believe Obama shows their lack of mental function, he is from The Establishment and he is there excactly as John Kerry was there: to split the Democratic Party votes so that the Republicommunists can win the White House... AGAIN. Obama is not running for president, and either was Kerry (the Skull and Bones member just like both Bush's!)

Hillary is genuinely running for president, and she will be immensely more beneficial to our nation than the best Republican president of the past. I really doubt that she will ever be another John Kennedy, but that trait may keep her alive, keep her from being assassinated by The Establishment. However, Hillary and William Clinton together are smarter than all of the Republican elected mafia combined, so she only stands to fail if the women in our nation continue their female prejudice to not vote for another smart woman running for any office. That fact comes out of a League of Women Voters survey. On the other hand, one can not really know what kind of president Hillary Clinton would or will make by her past record, there are too many variables.

Yes, a white male candidate is always more attractive to voters than a "minority" or female candidate. George W. Bush documented life-long criminal record shows how people regard a liar white male figurehead who violates international laws to start an illegal war against a non-warring nation, and I have not violated any community standards by telling the truth. Therefore, any white male has an advantage to become US President, for our nation has no standards of propriety or of justice and honor in screening candidates for president, let alone for the documented misbehavior of the election system in officializing a president for office. The question you raise is called "reverse discrimination", or, "How dare you not vote for a minority candidate over an Establishment candidate". Had Collin Powell been an honest man who had not sold his country down the river for the Republican mafia cult, he would have been the ideal African American president; had Barack Obama been wise and truly wanted to be a US President, he would have campaigned for Hillary Clinton to be her vice president, and after Hillary's two terms in office as our nation's first female President, Barack would have been a shoo-in as our nation's first African-American vice president to be our nation's first African American President for another two terms. Unfortunately, Obama's loyalty to The Establishment to run for office only to split Democratic Party votes so no Democrat can win has eliminated his chance to go into history as a successful politician. Instead, he will be forgotten.

Does that answer your question? Unless Democrats wake up and start using their brains, look for another Republicommunist President (possibly McCain) for the next four years. And I am not kidding.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

First Blog Entry - About Myself

This first entry will explain this blogsite and it's feature.

I write under the name Libris Fidelis in Iowa City. I first started using the writing name of Libris Fidelis in 2004 in Saint Louis, Missouri the year after I moved there. I previously had been using the writing name of Patriotic US Citizen since I lived in Las Vegas, Nevada in 2001.

Democracy Defender is a Personal Organization, as are Libris Fidelis and Moral Fortunes, registered with the Recorder of Johnson County, Iowa by affidavit. I am the owner and moderator to, however, I am unable to register Libris Fidelis in Blogger, so I am using Democracy Defender instead. Here is my posted description for

"Libris Fidelis advocates, educates, supports and defends true Democracy (with a capital "D"). Government is a tyranny that rules over the people, whereas constitutional Democracy is a legal and political organization that represents the inclusive best interests of society without exclusionary elitism or prejudice. A true constitutional Democracy is NOT a government, but rather it is the protector and communicator and the representative of responsible and active public participation in the political processes, with authority to protect such Democratic political processes. And in a true constitutional Democracy, there rarely are any leaders (except by the military over its subordinates), because in a constitutional Democracy there are only administrators of the Constitution and of the Democracy who are legally bound and responsible to obedient exercise of legal authority under the Constitution of the Democracy.

The anti-Democracy republic was created by the Roman Empire to represent the powerful empirist-royalist elite, who advocated conquering other societies for profit and the slavery of those conquered peoples, deadly war games as commercial entertainment that utilized vanquished and conquered people. From this came the republican political movement, which started in Europe to represent the dying Royalist conspiracy to maintain the dwindling number of European monarchies sometime around the time of the War of 1812. This Royalist republican movement migrated into becoming the Republican party in our United States --OF (in)--America... (Note that America is a vertical hemisphere almost 300 years older than is our United States OF America).

In a true constitutional Democracy the minority is protected from abuse by the majority and the ignorant, vulnerable majority is protected from the powerful minorities of business, god-worshipping theistic organizations and special interest groups, with penalties against lobbying and influence peddling. Libris Fidelis is the writing name of Ronald Willet Kinum, b. 1948"

This will be ammended as this blog is established. However, the entire purpose of this blog is to discuss true constitutional Democracy and the inter-relationship of the public, political system and international relations.